Another season round-up. 2020. The COVID season.

Excerpt (Please click blog post title to read post in full): "as I teed off in May, I had already lost over 3 stone since January, in a concerted effort to lose 5 stone by my 50th birthday. I was to lose ALL those 5 stones by August as it happens - and that made playing golf FAR easier and FAR less tiring. A real bonus as 18 holes had got pretty knackering on my feet and hips (and in my head therefore) over the past few years..."

So… my season has now ended (on time) – as The Masters begins (very late).

Excerpt (Please click blog post title to read post in full): "...Well... the lockdown (mark 2) in the UK has closed all golf courses and driving ranges until the first week of December at least - so that, laydeez and gennelmen IS indeed the end of my 2020 season - and I ended it like I did the 2019 season, with a round at Greys Green..."